Sound and Plants

Throughout history, human beings have noticed that music and even human voices have an effect on plant growth.  Massive antidotal reports confirm plant yields often increase when music is played. However music is made of many notes/and harmonics and though a frequent effect has been noted, it has not been focused enough to create a commercial product.

By definition music wavelength is in the human audible range from 20-20K cycles per second (CPS/or Hertz/ HZ).

As interest has grown in using sound in Agriculture scientists have done rigorous experiments showing the effect of specific frequencies on plant sprouting, respiration, and yields. Once again these tests were done in the human hearing range of 20- 20K Hertz(HZ)

For example, sound has been shown to increase Polyamine content in Chinese cabbage.

Other papers include: “Biochemical and physiological changes in plants as a result of different sonic exposures” by Yuchaun, Lee,  Choi and Kim.

Sprouting increases In Rice and Cucumbers using a 50Hz tone have been documented by Takahashi Suge, Kato et al.

Also there have been a number of peer reviewed studies on sound increasing the expression of genetics. Examples are: “Plant gene responses in frequency specific sound signals “by Mi Jeong et al, and “Growth of Cellular Slime Mold” by Kawasaki et al.

There are many more scientific articles of this type. But the general idea that is proven is sound has a definite positive effect on plants.

All of these experiments used electrically generated sound in the human audible range because that was the easiest thing to do. Generating sound in the infrasonic range (below 20HZ) is costly and inaccurate if done electronically.

What B-Wave Technology Inc. has done is create a patented machine that creates very low sounds below 20HZ that are very accurate and economical to produce. These sound waves are produced mechanically much like ringing a bell. This frequency can’t be heard by humans but plants thrive on it and increase their intake of Co2 which produces higher yields. This has been confirmed in many tests over the last 6 years in schools and colleges and by independent researchers. Many plants and vegetables have been tested including: Tomatoes, Peppers, Cannabis, Herbs, Lettuce, Citrus and Cucumbers.

For further detailed information about B-wave testing, please check the Science page at Agrogiant .com or Acoustic Testing here on the B-Wavetech site